
Computers & Industrial Engineering by Prof. Mark Taylor and Prof. Xun Xu.

Posted by Complete 3D on 20th Feb 2019

Many authors have advocated a human–centric view of Industrie 4.0 automation, in which the human operator works with augmented powers and capabilities such as super-strength, artificial intelligence and virtual reality, although their roles are still in the manufacture of the product. A human-automation symbiosis in the production process, with robotic and IOT tools helping to extend and meld the capabilities of the Operator to accomplish the tasks of production is a proposed goal. The approach taken in the present work does not, however, envisage a super-human outcome. Rather, the goal is the unleashing of human creative potential, as a complement to the robotic and virtual world of the automated production system.

Agile manufacturers typically run small scale operations (20 people or less), make short runs of many pro- ducts and are continuously involved in their design – both at detailed and conceptual levels. This can be a strength in terms of international competitiveness where knowledge of the production process, the product end user needs, and the machinery and tooling itself combine to produce innovation. SME manufacturers are actually designers. Their employees think about design as they manufacture. We foresee that the Operator may transition to a Maker – a person who works alongside the automated production system but with a different role - one which is essentially creative, rather than assisting or monitoring non-discretionary work flow steps or processes.

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